Days 'til we're home!

Friday, April 29, 2011

Pre-Departure Meeting Update

Hello all!
So, if you are reading this, you must care about Kendra and Michelle going to Spain! Or you are just creeping on us in Spain, which is a twisted way of saying you care! :)
We attended our pre-departure meeting today! We learned that our program has around 20 students..there were many parents in the meeting as well, so this is just a rough guess. During the meeting we were reminded that we were STUDYING abroad and we have to take classes...We have one class Monday through Thursday, 9 to 11am. There is another class we are taking, but we don't really know when that is going to happen. 
For those of you who want to send us mail, message us for the address. Just know that it will take about a week to get to us. Please feel free to keep up with us here or on Facebook.
We do not have any information about the family we are staying with, but once we know, we will share with you.
Once the date gets closer, we will be updating more often. Y vamos a bloggar parcialmente en enspañol a veces...sí sabemos que 'bloggar' no existe.
Over and out!
~EuroSister K
27 more days!